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ABC’S of life

          ABC’S of life- let your life do the singing
Remember this when troubled by entities both internal and external
A- accept challenges
C- covert our thoughts into hopes
D-determination to convert our hopes into dreams
E- expect some obstacles on the way up
F- fight while being faithful and finish the course
G- get God on your side
H- have a hardy model of leadership
I- inspire someone else
J- take Jesus on our Journey
L- be a Leader
M- make everyday count
N- never give up
O- overcome our obstacles
P- put our best foot forward 
Q- Quit quitting
R- rest assure that God has you covered/ run the race with patience
S- strive on while
T-trusting in the lord
V- value our time
W- wait for understanding
X- x-ray our own lifestyles 
Y- yearn to achieve all that we seek
Z- be zealous when reaching the top
Wordle: ABC's of like


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